Last night she began physical therapy. Now, the Little One is not unfamiliar with PT clinics. The X had lots of knee issues over the years and a lot of PT. My back problems have caused me to spend my fair share of time in PT, too, and over the years the Little One has joined us as we stretched/lifted/sweat/cried at the hands of the descendants of the Marquis de Sade. Little One was instructed on how to complete about a dozen different exercises to help strengthen her right hip and quad, whose weakness was the cause of the problem.
I don't envy her. Although her legs are quite strong and muscular for her age from years of ice skating, the particular muscles in her right leg are noticeably weaker than her left. After the first few exercises she broke a sweat, but to her credit, she struggled through and listened intently to the directions of the therapists who rotated between patients in the room.
With some luck, Advil, ice and hard work, she hopes to be back on the field by the end of the week and better than ever in about a month.
Keep fighting, Little One. You make your old man proud.