Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Some People Aren't Good at Faking Normality

Not long ago I ran into a high school acquaintance that I hadn't seen in probably 25 years. I honestly didn't remember her by name or face until some time later when she walked me through an old yearbook, and then things clicked. We hadn't been buddies/pals/whatever back then.

In the weeks that followed, as I tried to get to know "Betty", it became painfully clear that she couldn't control her crazy. Let me stop here. I appreciate openness and honesty. I am not saying I need to know someone's life history off the bat. I certainly don't want to hear about every guy you've ever dated/slept with etc., don't need to know about your daddy issues, your credit score and the like. I like that some people can aside a lot of the pretense that often goes along with dating and that can truly be themselves.

That said, if you are crazy, and you show it, I am going to walk. Which is too bad. Betty was attractive, fit, gainfully employed, financially stable and intelligent - she had many positive qualities. She was just crazy. So I had to say goodbye.

I will leave you with this link to a clip from "How I Met Your Mother" which I find to be quite humorous and may help illustrate the point. Betty could have been a supermodel and she would have still been too crazy for me.

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