Thursday, January 10, 2013

And, for 2013 I Resolve make no resolutions. I thought about this a good bit, actually. I decided against it, and here's why. I read an interesting book last year by one of the founders of LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman, called The Start-Up of You. It had some pretty good ideas in it, and I took several to heart. Like most 'self-help' books, there is really nothing totally new in here, but I think that certain authors are able to reach certain readers more effectively.

The notion that a person should regularly engage in periods of critical self-evaluation and then see if modification of one's course is needed is something that I am trying to take to heart. At times in my life I have been content to drift along in the current of my life, without really doing much to steer the boat. That approach didn't often produce positive outcomes, and certainly didn't make the most of those times.

So I didn't make any resolutions. I have done some reflection and am making some modifications to the course that I have plotted for myself. I will share part of my list here:

- Move my office from my current building back to the HQ. It has been valuable to be in this location as projects in the past several benefited from the proximity to certain resources, but as these projects are ending I need to move back to the centers of influence for new projects and continued advancement. I don't need to be out of sight and out of mind.

- Complete my scuba diving certification. I did all of the classroom work, pool work and aced the tests. I wasn't able to schedule my check-out dives last year, and getting divorced cut into the disposable income. This spring I will complete the process and then be able to enjoy this sport.

- Train my daughter to be a saver. I have done a poor job at this, and there are some practical exercises that I have in mind for us to learn, laugh and grow together.

- Vacation and learn to relax. I take time off from work. I normally don't use all of my vacation time. And when I am off, often times I just sleep and don't "do". Or I am working while I am on vacation. last year I was neck deep in a huge project and on a trip to the beach with Little One I was taking meetings on my cell phone from coffee shops with Wifi access, the hotel, and other lovely spots. Not the kind of beach memories I was hoping to make.

- Connect with people. I have a rich and fulfilling work life. I enjoy what I do and the people I work with. That said, I don't really have people that I socialize with outside of the office. Certainly none that I spend time with any degree of regularity. I have been content to sit at home and read, etc., watch TV, and just spend time with Little One. But we need to get out more and engage.

That's the short list for now. Have you resolved to do anything differently in this new year?

1 comment:

  1. Well, Jud, I think these are positive, attainable goals. I think more people should focus on what can make life easier and more enjoyable. I do hope you stick to the plan.

    Amy T.
