Friday, May 31, 2013

Summertime and the Livin' is Easy

(Editor's Note: I began this post on the Tuesday after Memorial Day but am just now getting around to uploading it.)

I don't know so much about easy livin', but traffic was certainly light this morning as I made the trek to the office. The lack of school traffic and the fact that a fair number of working stiffs are on holiday certainly contributed to the paucity of cars in my way impeding me on my merry way. The one downside is that I didn't get to hear the end of a story on NPR. Hopefully they will play it again this afternoon or I will remember to find it online at some point.

The holiday weekend went by without much fanfare. I went to the farmer's market on Saturday morning and found some fresh vegetables and acquired some jam from a local farm. I ran other errands in the afternoon and then came home and fired up the work computer. Sunday was spent in a similar manner, trying to get caught on work things.

Memorial Day I got my fill of 'war' movies after watching one, and then played the last season of Trueblood on the DVR as I continued to bang things out for work. I ordered a pizza, ate some, and regretted the decision. Not that the pizza was bad; it was fine, but it was none too healthy, and I have been trying to eat better. Maybe that bad choice was offset by all of the vegetables eaten over the weekend, but I am not sure that it works that way.

My family was fortunate in that no one in my immediate family, even going back a few generations was a war casualty. We have had a lot of veterans, in most major US conflicts going back to the Civil War, but no deaths from combat. None in the recent comflicts, none in Vietnam, none in Korea (I am not aware of anyone that served here), none in WWII (although we did lose some family, they were not part of my direct lineage. One of dad's second cousins perished in the Colmar pocket in February of 1945).

This shortened work-week has been a blessing, too.

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