Thursday, July 25, 2013

Personalized Tags

I have had customized license plates in the past. Once, when I was a regional manager a restaurant company known as "Wings", my tag read "WINGNIT".

I bought a tag for the woman to whom I was married that read "4X4AU". There were for of us in the family, and she was a big fan of Auburn University football. Collegiate sports tags are VERY popular in the Deep South.

On a recent road trip I saw a woman in Chevy Tahoe on big ol' tires and rims, with that tag "IMTHSHT". I am not sure how this one made it passed the censors at the DMV, but good for her.

But now I will ask you to bear with me as I ask you, gentle reader, to abbreviate the following words:

1) hourly
2) girl

In my mind, this would be HRLYGRL. I saw this self-same tag on the back of a Camaro driven by an attractive woman. I did a double take, thinking why advertise in this manner and business must be pretty good. It only dawned on frontal lobes some time later, when passing a motorcycle dealership, that perhaps she was abbreviating "Harley Girl".

Currently I have just a plain tag on the car. I suppose in my middle ages I have become a little cheap and perhaps slightly (ever so slightly) less vain. Maybe I just haven't come up with a witty, hard to misinterpret tag. In my state, a generic customized tag can have up 7 characters and a specialty tag (such as for with an affiliation with a college, charity, etc.) can have up to 5 characters. What ideas might you have for a customized tag for Jud?


  1. the top of my head:


    I once saw a plate that said "KY LADY." I thought she was advertising her preferred lubricant, but it was a Kentucky plate. Guess she was just letting people know where she was from.

  2. I was shock when they let me get it too but I'm creative so I say go for it......lady n white Tahoe (coming through Ga Fl or Al)
