Fridays are supposed to be good days. The excitement of the pending weekend, the relaxed atmosphere of the office, the relaxed dress code, and perhaps even a longer lunch break. Mine should have been even a little better.
Having concluded a week-long seminar in the Lone Star State, I was headed back to the Deep South. I was at the airport, having made it through security without any hiccups. My boss had asked me to call in to discuss some changes to the plan for 2014, so I gave him a ring.
It was not a great call. That morning a number of staff cuts had been made, including one of my staff. She had been reporting to me officially for a couple of months, but in the HR system was still a direct to my boss. He had called her that morning and broke the news to her. I finished my call with him and called her. She was still in shock and still crying, some 5 hours after she first got the news.
I had nothing new to offer, other than empathy and the promise to do what I could in terms of leveraging my network and assisting her with her resume.
I am hoping that this week will be better. Friday, I expect more out of you, frankly.
Hey; regarding your previous post, etc; I don't know if you've made a decision or not, but my advice, honestly, is bail. Move. Children are more resilient than most people think, and after a period of time, even if it goes to hell with Little One, she may/will understand. The Great American Job Chop/Slave Drive is in full swing; it's the Lean Ethos gone insane, with China in inflationary upheaval, and the backsourcing where I work is going crazy, complete with people returning from Asia full of tales of barracks-full of 'willing workers' to threaten us with. It's bullshit. Bullshit. The business structure is jammed with people who majored in 'Supply Chain Management', and have no skills other than an efficiency mantra. Hell, I threatened to kill one of my bosses at the last place, and they let it slide (!) because my productivity was so exceptional! WTF? I couldn't believe it! I WANTED them to fire me, and they wouldn't! If you can get off the stress treadmill, go. Go. I like you, and that's my advice: split. I did. I'm much better off for it. If you want details, email me and I'll explain.