Thursday, February 21, 2013

American Idle

A good friend of mine has been without a job for about 13 months. With almost 20 years of practical experience in her chosen field, an MBA for a good school and seemingly good references, no jobs even approaching her past position have been offered.

She has been and continues to be frustrated, and remarked "I know why some people just quit looking." I am sure that there are tens of thousands of people, if not more, in similar situations. I know that the saying 'it's easier to find a job when you have a job', is true.

I have been in her shoes. Well, not her shoes, but similar shoes. I was once out of work for a period of 6 months. It was hellish. And expensive. And depressing. I would spend hours each days on the big job posting sites, the websites of various companies, and emailing and calling past colleagues and friends. Despite all of my efforts, I had very few interviews and no substantive offers.

I fear for my future at times. While I believe that I am high achiever and well respected by my current employer, anything could happen. I could, like many others, through no fault of my own, be part of some cost cutting measure. Through my own errors or actions could give reason to be released. Heck, everybody screws up stuff from time to time. And what then? What if this were to happen later in my career? I think that the older one gets the tougher it is to land a new spot.

So I am trying to build a stronger external network in the larger community where I work, but locally and regionally. Another maxim, "dig your well before you are thirsty" seems apt.

Good luck to all out there who need a job and searching. Don't despair. Keep plugging away.

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